We hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day!
Perfectly Pandora! |
Good Ol' Mama Nature surprised us here in Rochester with hailstorms, but we hope the Sunday surprises poured upon you were more pleasant - and we hope they didn't include any spilled coffee from young hands bringing you breakfast in bed! Did you receive something special from People's Pottery from your husband, children, or mother? Perhaps a Pandora keepsake, Kiss & Dream diamond, NanoRosetta medallion, serving piece for the kitchen, accent piece for the living room, souvenir for the nursery...or a gift certificate that gives you a reason to stop in and see us? Comment below or send us a Facebook message!
Some locals believe the Lilac Festival marks the unofficial start of summer in Rochester. We love summer for many reasons, but mainly because it's wedding season. In that spirit, we've compiled the best of "Wacky Wedding" wisdom from around the Web. We'd like to raise a glass to:
Private photo originally published on Huffington Post |
This woman who wore her wedding ring for an entire year...without even knowing it. The stone was tucked into a pine necklace that her boyfriend had made her; then he popped the seal AND the question. We believe this serves as true testament to the couple's commitment: him for crafting the necklace and her for not losing it!
2. These
intrepid souls and kindred spirits who got married at the top of their game...on Mount Everest. They exchanged vows and rings at 17,000 feet and minus 11 degrees Fahrenheit. If you thought your wedding was an epic adventure...check out the Instagram
3. The inventor of prosecco and Rosé
popsicles. We can't think of a better refresher to serve guests who are thirsty for something new (but not old, borrowed or blue).
4. The menagerie of
llamas (yes, llamas...they clean up nice) and
unicorns that can attend your wedding for a fee...one that's sometimes donated to animal causes.
Photo published on Brides.com |
Remember, we are here each day to make your engagement and wedding just as unique and memorable...even if you scale Cobb's Hill instead of Mount Everest, or decide to go with peonies instead of puppies. From Benchmark wedding bands to dazzling Kiss & Dream Diamonds, our selection offers superior craft and quality at the best prices in town. Stop in and see for yourself!