Below, a few examples -- and the inspirations they provide (source: International Business Times):
Russia: Write a wish for the upcoming year on a piece of paper, then burn the paper and place the ashes in a glass of champagne. Drink champagne as the clock strikes midnight, and the wish will come true.
People's Pottery twist: Why not toast the new year (minus the ashes, perhaps) with an elegant champagne glass from our collection?
Peru: Wear new clothes to bring good fortune.
People's Pottery twist: Slip a new Mi Moneda coin pendant over your outfit tomorrow night.
Ireland: New Year's Day, aka "The Day of the Buttered Bread," involves banging loaves of bread on doors and walls to chase out bad luck and invite good spirits.
People's Pottery twist: Spare the bread until it's served and sliced on a gorgeous Romero Britto platter!

Spain: Eating 12 grapes just before the clock chimes midnight will bring good fortune each month of the upcoming year.
People's Pottery twist: The best way to enjoy grapes tomorrow night are fermented, in a glass. We present an irresistible way to "fetch" your wine!
Happy New Year! We can't wait to see you in 2015!